Tokyo Underworld (深東京, Shin Tōkyō?) is a manga series written and illustrated by Kenji Sakaki that has been published and serialized by Shueisha since May 29, 2022.[2]
According to urban legend, the guilty are sentenced to fall to the Tokyo Underworld. There, they are given no mercy and are mercilessly judged for their crimes in the cruelest ways imaginable!![3]
- See: Characters for more list of characters
Chapters & Volumes[]
- See: Chapters & Volumes
Story Arcs[]
- See: Story Arcs
Extra Pages[]
External Links[]
- ↑ Tokyo Underworld Manga: Chapter 1. — Chapter 1, Manga Cover.
- ↑ "Animenews Network". — from AnimeNewsNetwork Site.
- ↑ "Official English Translation". — from Mangaplus app.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Tokyo Underworld Manga: Chapter 13. — Extra Page.
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Tokyo Underworld Manga: Chapter 15. — Extra Page.
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Tokyo Underworld Manga: Chapter 18. — Extra Page.