Tokyo Underworld (深東京, Shin Tōkyō?) is a manga series written and illustrated by Kenji Sakaki that has been published and serialized by Shueisha since May 29, 2022.[1] The manga has also been officially translated by MediBang under MANGA Plus and can now be read for free in both of their app and website.
- For chapters listed by arcs, see: Story Arcs
According to urban legend, the guilty are sentenced to fall to the Tokyo Underworld. There, they are given no mercy and are mercilessly judged for their crimes in the cruelest ways imaginable!![2]
Volume List[]
# | Japanese | English | ||
Release date | ISBN | Release date | ISBN | |
1 | December 12, 2022 | ISBN 978-4-08-883366-8 | To be added... | To be added... |
Chapters included in Volume 1:
Volume Title: Tokyo Underworld Pages: 200 (JP) Cover Characters: Benkei |
"Tokyo Underworld" is a city of urban legends where those who drive people to death fall and are executed by the guards. Twin high school students Yomi and Yami fall into this town with their classmates when their homeroom teacher commits suicide on their way home from an extracurricular class. Classmates lose their lives one after another due to the cruel guardian. The escape drama from hell begins!![3]
人を死に追いやった者が堕ち、番人に処刑されるという都市伝説の街「深東京」。 双子の高校生ヨミとヤミは、課外授業の帰路、担任の自殺により級友達とこの街に堕ちる。残忍な番人に級友は次々と命を落とし…。 地獄からの逃走劇が開幕!! | ||||
2 | March 3, 2023 | ISBN 978-4-08-883446-7 | To be added... | To be added... |
Chapters included in Volume 2:
Volume Title: Tokyo Underworld Pages: 192 (JP) Cover Characters: Columbus |
"Tokyo Underworld" is a city of urban legends where those who drive people to death fall. The students of Daiba High School Class 2A fall into this city and are killed one after another by "Benkei", the executioner. The twins Yami and Yomi and the surviving students defeat Benkei and escape from the prison, but... captured by new pursuers, they are sent to the "Toyosu Guilty Market"...? More mysteries and horrors shatter their hopes![4]人を死に追いやった者が堕ちるという都市伝説の街「深東京」。この街に堕ちた台場高校2年A組の生徒達は刑吏「べんけい」によって次々と命を落とす。双子のヤミとヨミと生き残った生徒はべんけいを倒し、刑場から脱出を果たすが…。新たな追っ手に捕らわれた一同は、「豊洲罪人市場」に送られて――!? さらなる謎と恐怖が希望を砕く!! | ||||
3 | May 2, 2023 | ISBN 978-4-08-883525-9 | To be added... | To be added... |
Chapters included in Volume 3:
Volume Title: Tokyo Underworld Pages: 192 (JP) Cover Characters: Antoinette |
"Tokyo Underworld" is a city of urban legend where those who have driven others to death are said to fall. Yomi and the others are transported to the "Ginza Department Store" in this city. Here, they find a glossy lineup of products made from the bodies of sinners.... In order to make a new product, "Sinner's Necklace", the executioners attack Yomi and others for their legs, arms, tongues, ears, and heads! The leader of the bailiffs chasing the criminals is the queen of the department store. A fierce "game of tag" with the demon begins![5]
人を死に追いやった者が堕ちるという都市伝説の街「深東京」。 この街の「銀座罪人百貨店」に移送されたヨミ達。ここには罪人の身体を加工した商品が艶やかに並び…。刑吏達は新商品「罪人の首飾り」を作製するため、ヨミ達の足、腕、舌、耳、頭を求めて襲いくる! 罪人達を追う刑吏の首魁は百貨店の女王。 鬼女との熾烈な「鬼ごっこ」が始まる!! | ||||
4 | August 4, 2023 | ISBN 978-4-08-883616-4 | To be added... | To be added... |
Chapters included in Volume 4:
Volume Title: Tokyo Underworld Pages: 192 (JP) Cover Characters: Nobunaga |
The city of "Tokyo Underworld", a place rumored to be where those who drive others to death end up. Yomi and the others, trapped in the "Ginza Department Store," struggle to compete for their "heads" against the executioner, "Antoinette"!! Only 9 minutes remain in the battle. Cornered in a game of wit and strategy, what plan will Yomi come up with...?! After the tragic conclusion of the battle, another incident occurs! Enra Mizoregi's shocking past is also revealed...!![6]人を死に追いやった者が堕ちるという都市伝説の街「深東京」。「銀座罪人百貨店」に囚われたヨミ達は、刑吏「あんとわねっと」との“首”の取り合いに奮闘する!! 戦いの残り時間はわずか9分。智略戦の駆け引きに追い詰められたヨミがとる策とは…!? 惨劇の終焉後、更なる事件も発生! 霙木エンラに衝撃の過去も明らかに…!! | ||||
5 | November 2, 2023 | ISBN 978-4-08-883733-8 | To be added... | To be added... |
Chapters included in Volume 5:
Volume Title: Tokyo Underworld Pages: 192 (JP) Cover Characters: Joan of Arc |
"Tokyo Underworld" is the city of urban legend where those who cause people to die fall. Yomi and his friends evacuated to Honnoji, the Asakusa Prison. However, they are to play a war-like execution game against the executioner army in the Enra's residence...! In addition to "King Leonidas", the executioner army has new executioners like "Joan of Arc" and "Cao Cao"... The “Honnoji Temple Hell” war begins between the executioner army and the guilty army![7]人を死に追いやった者が堕ちるという都市伝説の街「深東京」。浅草刑場「本能寺」に避難したヨミ達。しかし、このエンラの居館で刑吏軍を相手取り、戦に見立てた処刑ゲームをすることに…!! 敵軍には「れおにだす王」に加えて新たな刑吏「じゃんぬだるく」や「そうそう」の姿が…。刑吏軍VS罪人軍による「本能寺地獄」開戦――!! | ||||
6 | January 4, 2024 | ISBN 978-4-08-883733-8 | To be added... | To be added... |
Chapters included in Volume 6:
Volume Title: Tokyo Underworld Pages: 192 (JP) Cover Characters: Leonidas |
"Tokyo Underworld" is the city of urban legend where those who drive people to death fall. The showdown between the lieutenant generals of the executioners army and the guilty army began at the Asakusa Prison site "Honnoji Temple". While "Nobunaga" is having a tough time as he becomes an executioner, "Leonidas" continues to fight, even with his severed arm. Meanwhile, Yami finds a box containing a technique to defeat the enemy, but is dragged underwater by Leonidas' soldiers. The mystery of Yomi and Yami's synchronicity will determine the outcome of the battle...!![8]
人を死に追いやった者が堕ちるという都市伝説の街「深東京」。 浅草刑場「本能寺」で開幕した刑吏軍と罪人軍の副将対決。刑吏化が進み苦戦する「のぶなが」に対し、「れおにだす王」は斬られた腕までもが戦いを続ける。一方、敵を倒す術の入った匣を見つけるヤミだが、兵により水中に引きずり込まれ…。 ヨミとヤミ、二人のシンクロの謎が戦の勝敗を左右する──…!! | ||||
7 | March 4, 2024 | ISBN 978-4-08-883875-5 | To be added... | To be added... |
Chapters included in Volume 7:
Volume Title: Tokyo Underworld Pages: 192 (JP) Cover Characters: Cao Cao |
"Tokyo Underworld", a city of urban legend where those who have driven people to death are said to fall. Amidst the fierce battle with flames rising at Honnoji Temple, where a fierce battle erupts in flames, Haine Saikawa struggles to stop Nobunaga from becoming an executioner. However, there is a traitor nearby who is aiming for Saikawa's life! What is the true identity of the traitor "Mitsuhide" and what is their sad event? Furthermore, changes occur in Namiki, whom Izanagi is trying hard to protect... Yomi and the others confront "Cao Cao" with renewed determination! And the time for the conclusion of the "Honnoji Temple Hell" has arrived!![9]人を死に追いやった者が堕ちるという都市伝説の街「深東京」。激戦で炎の上がる本能寺で賽河はいねは、刑吏化が進む「のぶなが」を止めようと奮闘。だが、すぐそばに賽河の命を狙う裏切者の存在が! 裏切者「みつひで」の正体と悲しみの出来事とは? さらに伊佐薙が懸命に守る並木にも変化が起き…。ヨミ達が新たな決意で「そうそう」に挑む! そして「本能寺地獄」決着の時が来る!! | ||||
8 | May 2, 2024 | ISBN 978-4-08-884076-5 | To be added... | To be added... |
Chapters included in Volume 8:
Volume Title: Tokyo Underworld Pages: 208 (JP) Cover Characters: Nero |
In the city of urban legend known as "Tokyo Underworld," where those who drive others to death fall into despair. The Guilty Army, having overcome the "Honnoji Hell" at the cost of sacrifices, briefly finds solace after a deadly struggle, only for Yomi to be kidnapped from Honnoji. In the midst of Yomi's confusion, the shocking past and motives of the High-Ranking Executioner "Nero" emerge...!? Set in the heart of Tokyo Underworld, the "President's Castle," a cruel "Court Battle" among the executioners unfolds, swirling with ruthless desires!![10]人を死に追いやった者が堕ちるという都市伝説の街「深東京」。犠牲を伴いながら「本能寺地獄」を乗り越えた罪人軍。死闘の果てに束の間の安らぎを得るも、ヨミが本能寺から誘拐されてしまう。混乱するヨミの前に現れた上級刑吏「ねろ」の衝撃の過去と目的とは…!? 深東京の中枢「タワー大統領府」を舞台に、刑吏達の残酷な欲望が渦巻く「宮廷闘争」が開幕!! | ||||
9 | August 2, 2024 | ISBN 978-4-08-884151-9 | To be added... | To be added... |
Chapters included in Volume 9:
Volume Title: Tokyo Underworld Pages: 200 (JP) Cover Characters: Goemon |
"Tokyo Underworld", a city of urban legend where those who have driven people to death are said to fall. Yomi participates in the "Court Battle", a festival that began in the Presidential Castle. Yomi, as a half-executioner of the high-ranking executioner "Nero", clashes with the overwhelming power of the three noble half-executioners along with Yami! In the midst of a desperate struggle, Yomi's hidden power and truth are revealed! Yomi, Nero and Nobunaga - the fates of these three deeply connected individuals intersect in the "Court Battle"![11]
人を死に追いやった者が堕ちるという都市伝説の街「深東京」。 大統領府で始まった祭事「宮廷闘争」に参戦したヨミ。ヨミは上級刑吏「ねろ」の半刑吏として、ヤミとともに圧倒的な力を持つ三貴人の半刑吏達と激突! 権謀術数が絡みあい絶体絶命の中、ヨミの秘された力と真実が明かされる!? ヨミと「ねろ」、そして「のぶなが」──、因縁深い三者の命運が「宮廷闘争」で交錯する! |
Chapters not yet in Tankobon format[]
- Chapter 71: Masatoshi Yabuchi (薮内マサトシ, Yabuuchi Masatoshi?)
- Chapter 72: Empress Wu Zetian VS Nero (ぶそくてんVSねろ, Bu Sokuten VS Nero?)
- Chapter 73: The Eve of the Final Duel (決戦前夜, Kessen Zenya?)
- Chapter 74: The Final Battle Begins (決闘開始, Ketto Kaishi?)
- Chapter 75: Stirring Within (蠢く体内, Ugomeku Tainai?)
- Chapter 76: Tsukuyomi (つくよみ, Tsukuyomi?)
- Chapter 77: Face (顏, Kao?)
- Chapter 78: Paranoia (猜疑心, Saigi Kokoro?)
- Chapter 79: The Hour of Rebellion (反逆の刻, Hangyaku no Koku?)
- Chapter 80: Fall From Grace (失脚, Shikkyaku?)
- Chapter 81: The End of Court Battle (宮廷闘争 終幕, Kyūtei Tōsō Shūmaku?)
- Chapter 82: Interrogation (審問会, Shimonkai?)
- Chapter 83: True Identity (正体, Shōtai?)
- Chapter 84: Yomi's Rampage (ヨミ暴走, Yomi Bōsō?)
- Chapter 85: Purification Hell (浄化地獄, Jōka Jigoku?)
- Chapter 86: Onward, to Tokyo Tower (東京タワーへ, Tōkyō Tawā e?)
- Chapter 87: All-Out War (総力戦, Sōryokusen?)
- Chapter 88: Yabuchi (ヤブチ, Yabuchi?)
- Chapter 89: Towards the Truth (真実へ, Shinjitsu e?)
- ↑ "Date release information". — Information from Animenews Network.
- ↑ "Official English Translation". — from Mangaplus app.
- ↑ "Amazon Description". — Volume 1 Official Synopsis.
- ↑ "Amazon Description". — Volume 2 Official Synopsis.
- ↑ "Amazon Description". — Volume 3 Official Synopsis.
- ↑ "Amazon Description". — Volume 4 Official Synopsis.
- ↑ "Amazon Description". — Volume 5 Official Synopsis.
- ↑ "Amazon Description". — Volume 6 Official Synopsis.
- ↑ "Amazon Description". — Volume 7 Official Synopsis.
- ↑ "Amazon Description". — Volume 8 Official Synopsis.
- ↑ "Amazon Description". — Volume 9 Official Synopsis.